
 Pyramids the dual prizons of two marriedd priznors that held inside seperate pyramids that have each of them temporarily immortal having to live and be tombed alive seperatedd living a hell purgatory till electricity exposed them then once removed and maybe flame purgedd the gold radiation that kept each alive has no longer effect affect and they are now charredd remains in a museum or ?

Resident Evil underground killing facility with the cube piano string like butter cutter mesh though pyramid scale seperateing the once unionedd block of horizon sunlight glimer guider across desert minedd before rio tinto bhp and European open air nev veair...

The eye of horus not the history onternet examples vandalled backwards R was on the middle of the pyramids outer surface not the capstone though like blimps for every civilian

Also Freemasonry iv extent xzystedd in bc era the skill talentsz in spirit of non embezzlement took pride in working together and sorta though not there yet the idea or princicple of UAE the skys the limit...




Typedd from me DANDE


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