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 Unpublish then republish Daniel !

https://mayyourthoughtsbewithyou.blogspot.com/ ~ my other blog of a number of blog($)

Maybe don't worry about unpublishing and then republishing fully headcase fanatic Daniel the kunt is a dog no good for any heart broken (person) cunt though yeah demostrate the strength ((not the roided gutless wonder 1% waiveredd interest for his Australian trust fund just to buy the house and fund a parental hideway and prove i talk shiF because of a transparent bridgeing loan at some ridiculus percent that sorry to say this though

..& like always/z i,daniel have forgotten crucial argument($ again must be another genie lamp wished parameter like the missing person not me this morning after party search party for a millionaire not a mhellian psychiatry balding hair...

Think $2m @ 1%p/a = 

 = $20,000.00c AUD p/a

& $2m @ 4%p/a = $80,000 p/a

Fair housing prices to force us all along hume hwy lucky those $20k receiving entry migration peoples and giving $15k of that to this Australian Trust Fund and paying rent indefineately. Seams like a good business idea though hurts to know those that don't want to be evicted for arearedd rent have the option to suck a hated nonfriend for at least an hour to waiver vpol resident removal for another rental period..

Anyhow I'm just pissedd off I'm called a pedo when those pedefeeliacs suck off a person that has a 13 before 21 I was without any lunch due to unethical lunch cut / interceprions that somehow apparently had happened before we dated when she was at least two years maybe not months older then that & then after an abortion gets spikedd with her pretty friends for a dont tell dishpig Dan orgy location unknown though iv forced to watch the pHorn portfolio well we'll see he said & paid a million dollar plus worth local property for his first concious 12 hours of continuous sucking off spikedd family friend of mine to sign a typed?handwritten statement to the contary,



D A N $ ~ blackspur$(ritalinCapsule$



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